Monday, June 28, 2010

Strengthen Your Abs -Beyond The Six Packs

Appearance Isn't Everything

I know we all want pretty abs, but let's ponder the actual function of your abs for a moment. Remembering what your abs actually does may help you appreciate them even without the six-pack.

The muscles of your abs stabilize your torso to maintain good posture.
Strong abs and back muscles are crucial for preventing lower back injury and pain. Everything you do; walk, bend, sit, stand, reach, and lift, involves your abs and back. If your torso isn't strong or is imbalanced, you can seriously hurt yourself.

The Transverse Abdomens (TVA) is often ignored, but is extremely important for every day functioning. It is unique in that it contracts before motions of the arms and legs occur to give maximum stability to the spine.

Getting The Most Out of Your Abs Workouts

As mentioned above, doing hundreds of crunches every day is not the most effective way to strengthen your abs. Your approach to abs workouts should be the same as any other muscle in your body. Specifically

Do exercises to target ALL of your abs/lower back muscles: TVA (the Plank), internal and external oblique (oblique twist), rectus abdominals (bicycle), and back extensions work your lower back muscles. Your exercises should include each of these muscle groups

Do between 10-16 repetitions for each exercise. If that's too easy, pay attention to your form. Are you using momentum? Are you really using your abs or are you incorporating other muscles to help you (like your neck or hip flexors)?

Work your abs 3-4 times a week with a day of rest in between.

Do a complete program of cardio, strength training and stretching along with your abs routine.

Eating a healthy low-calorie diet with your program is essential for losing body fat. Now that you're educated on what your abs do and how you should exercise them, check out this abdominal workout that includes exercises for the TVA, rectus abdominals, oblique and the lower back.

1 comment:

  1. great excercise to reduce stomach fat.i like it.this is such a nice a days everybody wanna flatter.its a very good thing because if a person who have fat body means there are lots of diseases are arounde him.thats why he can do many jobs.i suggest you if you have big stomach then reduce your stomach fat otherwise it will very dangerous to you.
