Cardion Suggestions

The following activities are just a few of the many choices available to you when it comes to fulfilling your cardio requirement each week. Since the focus of this program is fat-burning - and the cardio workouts are progresive - you may need to get creative to avoid tedium.Don't do the same thing more than twice a week.
Keep your body guessing and keep moving toward that goal by varying your cardio activities.

Machines                        Fitness classes                 Fun Stuff
Stair-stepper                     Studio cycling                     Swimming laps
Treademill                         Step                                   Hiking
Stationary bike                  Kickboxing                        Walking
Elliptical trainer                  Low impact                        Running

Don't neglect flexibility training. To help keep muscle supple, reduce the risk of injury and help maintain joint health, warm-up for 5-10 min. with a low impact activity and then begin your stretch session.
Two days of flexibility training are automatically built in.

When doing resistance and cardio training on the same day, lift first. Hit the weights when your muscle are fresh to reduce the risk of injury. Keep your workouts under 90 minutes in length. As long as you spend your time wisely, you should be able to accomplish all the goals for each day within the time frame.
Make sure that you take the time to stretch your muscles to reduce injury and soreness.