Friday, June 11, 2010

Burn 300 Calories in 20 Minutes

How many times have you forgone the gym because you thought you had too little time on your hands?
Perhaps you think that if you don't have at least an hour to devote to training, you should put it off until tomorrow.
These high-intensity cardio routines will have you in and out of the gym fast- with big time, fat burning benefits to boot.

Interval Program Nr.1

Equipment: Treadmill
This 20 minute keeps your actual ruunning speed constant (outside of the warm-up and cool -down), but alerts the grade of incline to produce two separate gradual climbs that are 6 minutes in duration. The steepest, most intense part of each climb (6% incline) is also the shortest ( One minute).

Interval Program Nr.2

Here is a more gradual climb, offering one minute plateaus between each interval.The workouts peaks in the middle with one minute at 8% incline .

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