Sunday, June 13, 2010

Carbohydrate Warnings!

  • Some people mistakenly add more refined high-carbohydrate foods to their diet when they try to increase their fiber. Misinformed, they purchase foods like spinach noodles, thinking these are whole foods. Wrong. Pasta needs to be made from whole grains to be a whole-food source. White flour with added green vegetables, like most green pasta, doesn't count.Read the label. It should state the grains are "whole".
  • The emphasis is on unprocessed. Cereals, even high- fiber ones, high fiber breakfast bars, and other commercially advertised products are stillprocessed. They are better than refined grains, but not as good as consuming plain whole grains.
  • Commercial high-fiber products often contain excess sugars (from fruit, dates, honey, fructose, etc.) .This puts a sugar burden on the body and the intestinal lining.
  • It has been estimated that one-third of the population needs to eat a healthy balance between high-carbohydrate food sources and adequate proteins. This is becauuse certain people are genetically predisposed to oversecrete the sugar-lowering hormone insulin when they consume large or even moderate amounts of carbohydrates, even those from grains, fruits, and juices, as well as from refined sugars.
  • The tendancy to secrete excess insulin has been labeled Syndrome X. You are at risk for Syndrome X if your parents or grandparents were diabetic, had heart disease, elevated cholesterol or triglycerides, or carried extra weight around the waist for much of their lives.

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